1. For Backup Or Multi-computer Use: Have It Handy In Case You Need To Replace The Receiver That Came With Your Logi Bolt Wireless Device. Connect To Two Different Computers With A Strong, Secure Logi Bolt Wireless Connection On Both Devices. Use It With Your Flow-enabled Logi Bolt Mouse For Your Multi-computer Workflows.
2. One Port Is All It Takes. Once The Receiver Is Plugged In, You Can Keep It Installed. Take Your Laptop And Connected Logi Bolt Devices With You To Different Workspaces And Keep Working.
3. Easy Pairing: Pair It With Logi Bolt Wireless Mice And Keyboards4requires Logitech Options Software, Available For Download For Windows 10 Or Later, Macos 10.14 Or Later.
4.One Receiver-6 Devices: With A Single Logi Bolt Receiver-And Forget The Hassle Of Multiple Usb Receivers. Plus, Keep One Wireless Keyboard/mouse Set In Each Workspace, Then Simply Move Your Laptop Into Range. No Need To Carry Or Commute With Mice Or Keyboards.
5. System requirements: Windows 10 or later, Mac OS 10.14 or later, Linux, Chrome OS