1. The module is a high quality MP3 music chip based on MP3 music player module, support for sampling rate is 8KHz ~ 48KHz MP3, WAV format files
2. Micro SD card holder on board, can be inserted into the micro SD card stored music files; microcontroller can send commands through the serial port to switch the music, adjust the volume, play mode and other operations
3. Users can also be debugged through the USB to serial module on the module; module and UNO/AVR/ARM/PIC and other microcontroller system compatible
Module features:
1. Support sample rate (KHz): 8/11.025/12/16/22.05/2432/44.1/48
2. Support file format: MP3 / WAV
3. Support Micro SD card, Micro SDHC card SUNLEPHANT
4. 30 levels of adjustable volume
5. UART TTL serial port control playback mode, serial port baud rate of 9600bps
6. Power supply can be 3.2 ~ 5.2VDC