1. 3-pin & 4-pin sensor interfaces, supports connecting sensors directly without complicate custom connections
2. XBee module connector
3. WIFI-LPT100 wireless module connector
What is on Board
1. XBee module connector
2. IIC interface
3. SPI interface
4. 3-pin sensor interface
- VCC: Power positive
- GND: Ground
- D: Digital pin, correspond to the Arduino board
5. WIFI-LPT100 connector
6. 4-pin sensor interface
- VCC: Power positive
- GND: Ground
- A: Analog pin, correspond to the Arduino board
- D: Digital pin, correspond to the Arduino board
7. VCC configuration: For selecting sensor interfaces power voltage
8. Debugging/Communication selection jumper
- When connecting TXD and TX, RXD and RX respectively, the Arduino board may debug/config the XBee module or WIFI-LPT100 through serial port
- When connecting TXD and RX, RXD and TX respectively, the Arduino board may communicate with the XBee module or WIFI-LPT100 through serial port
9. Power indicator
10. WIFI-LPT100 state indicator
11. XBee module state indicator
12. WIFI-LPT100 RELOAD button : for restoring to factory setting
13. XBee module and WIFI-LPT100 RESET button
14. XBee module EASYLINK button